

岁月如梭。 所有好的坏的,好像都模糊了一些。 我好像有一些事情已经不太想得起来了。 --- 我还是会想念啊。 但是已经不再是苦涩的味道。 有时候想着想着,会觉得,如果当初那样这样就好了。 但是我立即就会想,哪有什么那样这样。没有“早知道”的事情啊。 我都会那样理智地想着。 --- 嗯。 继续这样好好地吧。 我又开始享受一个人看电影的感觉。 --- There was a friend I met in a wedding asked me:"when was the last rs? Have you get over it?" Seriously I don know how to answer at that point of time. I think for quite a few second and said,"I think I do." Then she said, have you ready to accept the next rs? Then I was like answered immediately with a "yes". Hahahaha. Maybe was a subconcious thing? Maybe.
